Happiness is not circumstantial... it's what you make of those circumstances that makes you happy. Lately I have noticed people struggling with the fact that they have been failing to be happy or to essentially find happiness. However, after a long drive back from college, and stressed about my work meetings and loads of projects, with my frustration, I did what any other girl would do--to do some shopping therapy.. So I stopped at store to pick up a few things. I became even more frustrated when the things I wanted were on the opposite side of the store. As I waited in the long line I realized that only two lanes were open for a great amount of customers.
When I was the second person in line, I realized the cashier was taking her sweet time but greatly interacting with each customer. The crazy thing was, she was deaf. She grunted and tried her hardest to express her joy for certain items the customers were purchasing as she put them in their bags. When she started scanning my items she just smiled at me and was so excited to help me out. She used sign language to thank me for visiting the store, and I signed back to her "no, thank you". Her contagious happiness had me crying with tears of joy all the way out the doors and to my home. This amazing act of happiness in helping people completely boggles my mind.
I know we missed things for a reason, and why it took so long to find the things we wanted. Wow. We really need to start thinking of situations in a less negative way. This encounter has greatly changed the perception of the ability to obtain happiness. This ability is in all of us, we just need to feel it more... and most importantly we need to live in its beauty.
I woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed... I was preparing myself for a bad day, but I really took this to heart. We spend so much of our time in a hurry we feel like the entire world is trying to get in our way. Sometimes we need to take a step back and remember to be positive like the cashier you mentioned. Thanks for sharing this :-) Made me smile.
I don't know if you remember my little saying but "The only thing you can really control is you." I'm glad you're starting to think more optimistically, I think everyone would be happier if they did.
You are just amazing. On the way home this afternoon I was thinking about 10,000 different scenarios and it finally hit me that the way that I approach so many things sets them up for success or failure. I finally resigned myself to giving this situation completely to God and letting HIM move my mouth. I'm dying inside, but I'm having faith that God will control this situation and it will turn out how HE wants it to
i jus incidentally came across ur blog...i love this 1..guess finding happiness in the smallest things in life and smiling your way thru anything is the best way to lead life
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