When I look back to think what I have learned from life, I realized we shouldn’t be afraid of the unexpected bridges we have to cross. There could be delight in the moments that might inspire us to stop and admire, like the flowers while crossing a mighty bridge.. So slow down, be bold!
It is important to keep reminded once again of the privileges we enjoy: Though we possess a sound body, mind and soul, why is it sometimes so easy to forget all we blessed with and become caught up in the insecurities? Life teaches us to look past the magnifications of our own worries and address concerns of life and death—which is really the only worry of any lasting consequence. So take a step back, breathe, analyze.
Allow your own fears to be dwarfed so you can make room to be compassionate about those of others. I was kicking around the sand in the sunset, as I walked along the beach, kick the hurdles, it would vanish as small grain of sand. And isn't that what living with a good quality of life is all about? :)