Clouds sweep the moon off his feet and early showers ooze out of the dark..
As I lie in my bed counting the sheep, I saw him arriving with his arms open..
Open as they always are for the millionth time until we get to sleep the big sleep..
He prepares to come onto me with the hungry passion that his eyes betray.. Arms wide open..
I shun him this time.. Elude his embrace.. Giving no for an answer..
Pale as the moon turns his face.. Shell-shocked stands he.. Arms still wide open..
"Is there a woman?", asks he.. "Is there a woman that wouldn't need me every night?" "That wouldn't let me embrace her?"
"What is it with you my eternal lover?" "My favorite lady, what has become of you?", cries he with his arms wide open..
"Somnus", says I.. "You have to leave now".. "The time has come for us to part".. "Leave now and don't come back.."
Somnus smiles.. A knowing look comes to his face whose color now changes from pale to dark.. The familiar look of the jilted one.. Arms no longer wide open..
"Who is he?".. "Who is the mortal that made you forget me?"
"He is the god of love, the immortal beloved.. He is my love of life. The Apple of my eyes.."
Somnus smiles.. He knows he has to leave for this woman, who is afflicted by the worst of all maladies, no cure has been invented for which..
"I will leave you to him.. I shall leave now.." With sad eyes and dolor eating his mind, he turns to the door. Stops there and turns back..
"What is his name?" demands the God of Sleep..
"Bradley Cooper, The love of my life.. The Apple of my eyes.."